OK...so I can never make it to the meetings, and y'all only have this one show...why should I join NTASHA?
1. Have you checked to see how you're doing on the High Points Awards? You may win every class you're in, but unless you belong to one of the charter clubs, you won't be eligible to receive the recognition you deserve!
2. Being a member saves you $10 off of the annual ASHA membership.
3. Your membership dollars help us put on the horse show and participate in the other events to promote the American Saddlebred Horse.
4. We keep you in touch with other folks who love this wonderful, yet under-rated breed. We'll let you know about ways to participate with your favorite Saddlebred.
5. Come join us in sharing the American Saddlebred with the rest of the world. These fine animals and their marvelous history may be lost without the support of "viewers like you!" Members are eligible to be named ASHA Breed Ambassadors, and win prizes and recognition.
Alright... I DO love my Saddlebreds...how do I join?
Just download the membership form and mail to NTASHA, c/o Sandee Razminas, 1732 Steamboat Drive, Plano, TX 75025 or click on the appropriate Paypal button at the top of the page.
For easy on-line membership, we accept Paypal, but if its not inconvenient, the club raises a little bit more money when you send us a check and membership form in the mail. Send it to: NTASHA
c/o Sandee Razminas, Treasurer
1732 Steamboat Drive
Plano, TX 75025